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Art Tube Exhibition


策展人以Art Supermarket為概念,經過半年的籌備,帶領 12位新一代藝術家在12月天趣當代藝術館中以超市形式呈現一個貼近生活和玩味性強的場景,為觀眾帶來輕鬆時尚的觀賞氛圍。
這次以“On Your Mart”這個耳熟能詳的口號作為主題,傳遞著藝術家為展覽投入的朝氣熱情和勇往直前的精神。是次展出的作品包括雕塑、裝置、繪畫、版畫,以及多款注入玩味元素的藝術玩具和商品,作品表現出 12位藝術家以多元風格演繹的個人觀念和視角,同時呈現流行文化下衍生出來的一眾藝術創作。無論是展覽佈景或是作以歡樂活潑的方式去回應這一代的日常生活和藝術圈現狀,以強烈的視覺衝擊觀眾。展覽希望透過藝術日常化的方式使當代藝術走進大眾的生活,讓「Mart系列」展覽成為年輕一代的藝術共鳴點。

The curator, drawing inspiration from the concept of an Art Supermarket, has spent six months preparing to lead 12 emerging artists in presenting a scene that is closely connected to everyday life and filled with playful elements at the Tianqu Contemporary Art Museum in December. This exhibition aims to create a relaxed and fashionable atmosphere for the viewers.

With the familiar slogan "On Your Mart" as the theme, the exhibition conveys the vibrant enthusiasm and forward-looking spirit that the artists have invested in the show. The showcased artworks include sculptures, installations, paintings, prints, as well as various art toys and merchandise infused with playful elements. These works represent the individual concepts and perspectives interpreted by the 12 artists in diverse styles, while also presenting a range of art creations derived from popular culture.

The exhibition engages the audience with strong visual impact, whether it is through the exhibition layout or by responding to the daily life and current state of the art scene in a joyful and lively manner. The goal is to bring contemporary art into the lives of the general public through the normalization of art in everyday contexts and make the "Mart Series" exhibition a resonating point for the younger generation in the art world.


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WhatsApp Image 2022-04-04 at 3.59.05 PM (1).jpeg

2021 - 2022

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